Maintenance & Upgrade


Maintenance & Upgrade

We will emphasize on reliability & integrity solutions, SLAs, preventive maintenance and turnaround maintenance while we just make mention of the others.

– Reliability & Integrity Solutions

Reliability and integrity are focused on the special operations and maintenance activities aimed at ensuring that process facilities are functioning at full efficiency and accuracy, whilst protection of the wellbeing of all personnel and equipment involved in facility operations is ascertained.

It is also necessary to track degradation of structural parts and piping. Deploying effective cathodic protection system and also carrying out composite or full-scale repairs to reduce rate of asset depreciation. The operations ensure that against all odds, a facility can run its life cycle optimally, and running up to its actual design life time. Preventative maintenance on rotating equipment is also part of our portfolio.

– E&I Integrity Services (Hazardous Area Integrity/Inspection & Maintenance/Calibration)

– Inspection Services & Solutions

– Asset Security & Monitoring Solutions

– Cathodic Protection Solutions

We deploy impressed current or sacrificial anode type of protection. We carry out comprehensive design and construction of CP systems. We deploy rectifiers from trusted brands.

Integrity Engineering Management

Non-destructive Testing

Quality Services (3rd Party Vendor Inspection)

Complete Caisson Management Solutions

Performance Maintenance

Asset Performance Improvement

Strategic Asset Management

Critical Equipment Spare Availability Management

Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Contract Management of Critical Operations

 Turnaround Maintenance

Selex being an EPCI company and having experience in plant operations, we are very conversant with the degradation curve of most process plants. We therefore know what it takes to restore plants to optimal performance level.

We do not absolutely rely on 3rd party asset integrity audit to carry out TAM, upon provisional contract award or an early but comfortable stage, Selex conducts an independent asset integrity audit to validate any report issued by others and offered for use by client.

We understand that in instance of plant TAM, audit reports play similar role played by front end engineering design on an EPCI project. Once the audit process or reporting lacks integrity, the TAM project is bound to suffer challenges.

Plant Descaling & Tank Cleaning

Kindly contact us for details.

Plant Upgrade & Extension

This is similar to our standard green field EPCI services. The only difference is that our basis of design now pays significant attention to the details and impact of the existing plant processes.

 Plant Decommissioning

Kindly contact us for details.

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